Nieuwpoort 2005


Nieuwpoort 2005

There are a lot of pics on this page!So dont get bored:P! Just keep looking!Myt see some nice ones!Some of them are in their original sizes because reducing the size will make the picture bad....

Bro Andreas Deter and Bro Eugene Braun (Youth Meeting Speaker)

Johan ... singing

Group KLUB....

Salo Machnik

Wapenveld Group Special.........

French Singers - Nathan and co.! Gr8 Accapella.....

Neuss group Special.....

(8) ''Do you wait for the Lord'' (8)
Bro Billy Wiggins.....(American) Bro Joshua from Malawi......
Fellowship room. Bro Joshua with some friends.... Sarah and Erwin.....
Simon and Me.... Just before dinner....
Erwin and Bill... Tabitha
Jeanine and Esther.... Sharon and Gaby Rauf....
Bird in the wind...... On the pier....
''The Goodfellas''...:D. Genre : Chicago 1935..... Simon Turnwald ..... Technician.....
Bill, Franzy and Salo Chris in action....
Simbarashe Eijbersoni....;) Ben and Will
Lydia and Sarah.....Nice and sunny.Good weather Group Picture in the sea...:D
Jochen Brenger and Mirjam Redmann....